What Time is it in New York? Daylight Saving Time
New York is located in Eastern Time Zone. In New York, as in all of America, summer time starts on the second Sunday of March until the first Sunday in November. If you are traveling during the hourly change to New York, you are going to hear about the Daylight Saving Time.
Daylight Saving in Other Years.
Year DST Start (Clock Forward) DST End (Clock Backward)
2024 Sunday, March 10, 2:00 am. - Sunday, November 3, 2:00 am
2025 Sunday, March 9, 2:00 am - Sunday, November 2, 2:00 am
2026 Sunday, March 8, 2:00 am - Sunday, November 1, 2:00 am
2027 Sunday, March 14, 2:00 am - Sunday, November 7, 2:00 am
2028 Sunday, March 12, 2:00 am - Sunday, November 5, 2:00 am
2029 Sunday, March 11, 2:00 am - Sunday, November 4, 2:00 am
Sunrise and sunset in New York
This is also an information that can help you plan your visits and excursions when you are in New York, it is good to know how to choose the best time for your activities. For example, if you like to photograph knowing the time of the sunset or when the sun rises it is important.
Sunrise: 7:17
Sunset: 4.53pm
Sunrise: 6:49
Sunset: 17:31
Sunrise: 7:07
Sunset: 7:02 pm
Sunrise: 6:16
Sunset: 7:35 pm
Sunrise: 5:38
Sunset: 20:06
Sunrise: 5:24
Sunset: 8:29 pm
Sunrise: 5:37
Sunset: 8:25 pm
Sunrise: 6:06
Sunset: 19:53
Sunrise: 6:36
Sunset: 7:04 pm
Sunrise: 7:07
Sunset: 6:15 pm
Sunrise: 6:43
Sunset: 4.37pm
Sunrise: 7:13
Sunset: 4.29pm
What is the Jet Lag, how to manage it and some advice
Moving quickly from one continent to another is what we can do today by taking a flight, but our body does not experience this fast moving very well. The rhythms of our body are distorted and there is a feeling of general malaise, insomnia and a feeling of tiredness. The term used for this disorder is Jet Lag . Fortunately, move westward, so traveling to New York creates fewer problems than traveling to the east, in fact you will certainly have more difficulty to re-enter your return. To prepare you to face the Jet Lag I suggest you start a few days before moving your habits (dinner / bed) for a few hours to rest properly and not get tired and stressed on departure day ... in the end you are starting your vacation! During the flight, do not eat to much, drink plenty of water, enjoy a good read, and if you like know more:
Good to Know Before leaving for New York
It is good to know that in New York the date is written in a different way from the European one, including from British English. If we use to put the day, month and year 13 December 2017 (13/12/2017) in New York, the order must be changed, first the month and then the day and the year (12/13/2017). In case we find it written in full we would have December 13th, 2017
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