What will NYC do for Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas and NYE?
There is something special
about Fall in New York City. So much anticipation, lots of decorations up and down the city sidewalks and store windows, many activities and experiences one can do. Even if you are well into your "adult age", it's inevitable to feel just like a kid. When September comes to an end, it's usually about
time to start thinking about the Holidays.
Halloween is just around the corner, and then it's basically
Thanksgiving, and no jokes,
Christmas feels like the weekend after. October through December are usually adventurous months. Life in the city becomes a whirlwind of events, parties, celebrations, and much more, and 3 months feel more like 3 weeks.
That of course has been the reality where COVID-19 didn't exist.
This year, however, things will look slightly different but the good news is that we will still have many of these events albeit virtually that we can enjoy from the comfort of our couch!
Let's start with the major festivities we all are looking forwards to:
As you know, Halloween in the city has
always been such a big event. Not only the West Village Parade happening along 6th Avenue in the evening of October 31st, but also all the dance parties, the trick-or-treating, and the block parties in the Upper West and East Side. Of course, these are things of the past (at least for 2020,)
we won't have a parade and most nightclub parties will not happen. However, the city will be sporting some decorations, and
kids are allowed to Trick-or-Treat in a new COVID-safe way. The city discourages large gathering and stresses the importance of self-guidance if families decide to take part in this typical Halloween activity. New Yorkers are already figuring out ways to make it "safe" with
self-dispensing candy stations, hand-sanitizer and wipes etc.
Here's what the city, state and CDC are suggesting
- No crowded places (outdoors and indoors)
- No door-to-door trick-or-treating
- No indoor haunted houses
- No nightclub parties nor private parties
- No packed hayrides
Yes to a new socially-distancing-approved Trick-or-treating experience with household members only and that doesn't require in-person hand-offs of candies.
- Yes to Virtual Costume Contests
- Yes to Movie Nights with family
- Yes to Apple Picking and Pumpkin Patch while socially-distancing from others.
- Yes to Pumping carving in the house and Virtual Pumpkin carving lessons

What is
Thanksgiving without the Macy's Parade? We all wake up on that last Thursday of November anticipating the floats and giant balloons "walking" those NYC streets ... Some of us watch it in persons and lots on TV. Well,
the good news is that the PARADE will still HAPPEN! Of course with adjustments so t
he balloons are not carried by humans, but instead vehicles, and it will be televised with no-live-watching allowed from the streets.
So no large gatherings and no crowds, but you can still enjoy that cup of coco while
watching it on TV! (I know I will.) The show will also have pre-recorded performances by famous artists that will be shown throughout the parade.
There WILL NOT be a Live Show outside the Macy's Store.
You can watch previous years' parades here --
Macy's Parade 2020 - VIRTUAL ONLY scheduled for Thursday, November 26 at 9 AM on NBC.
no official word has been sent out on the various Christmas trees around the city (
including the Rockefeller one) it's probably safe to assume that things won't be quite the same. Some of the things that are scheduled to
resume (but with restrictions) are the Ice-skating rinks for example. Wether the stores will put up the usual fanfare for the Holiday Windows Display, we don't know yet.
Definitely, all SHOWS are canceled. All
Broadway Shows are suspended till April 2021 (at least,) bot the MET Opera, the NY Ballet, and
the famous Rockettes are cancelled for this2020 season.
The popular Times Square Ball Drop that each year draws over 1 million of live spectators and more than 1 billion people tuning in from all around the world,
will be completely VIRTUAL for the first time in over 100 years. More details will be released once we are closed to date in regards to possible pre-recorded shows, artists and how the night will go on.
So, lot's of changes for sure but at least we have something.
As always be safe and stay healthy!