May 25th was Memorial Day, the day when America celebrates those who gave their lives for the country but Memorial Day also marks the beginning of Summer, but what will Summer 2020 look like?
Many things are still unknown or unclear -- bars, restaurants, and shops are still closed, no museums or entertainment venues will be available anytime soon ... the beaches, the few that have opened so far, are for residents only -- you can walk but you can't lie down nor swim.
In New York City, we have been "shut down" under something similar to a quarantine order since March 18th, 2020. To be clear, we have never been forbidden to go out altogether. We have been asked to reduce our outings to essential-only needs -- grocery shopping, pharmacy runs, individual work-outs etc. We have been told to wear a mask when we are in close proximity to others not in our household or if we need to get inside any store, such as supermarkets or pharmacies, and try to keep the social distance of 6 ft, about 2 meters, between us and others at all times.
We started this quarantine when it was still cold outside, the days were short and the weather uninviting, so it wasn't a big inconvenience staying inside, but now that in New York City is sporting longer days and the decisively warmer weather, staying inside might be a bit more difficult for many of us.

Those lucky enough to
live near Central Park can safely walk, cycle, run or take a mat and sunbathe in the beautiful park. The
park rangers are located almost everywhere, they
distribute free masks and check that there are no gatherings.
So living near a park helps a lot, among many other parks in New York,
Domino Park in Brooklyn has painted circles on the grass to ensure proper social distancing!
VIDEO - Brooklyn Park during COVID-19
Roads closed to traffic for New Yorkers
You might ask yourselves -- and for those who don't have a park nearby? With this Memorial Day Weekend,
another 45 miles (72 km) of roads in Manhattan remain closed to traffic allowing New Yorkers to walk in peace respecting the social distance.
When can we travel to the United States?
European Union Countries are already
reopening their borders to all citizens of the Schengen area (see Italy for example) without exception and without the need for quarantine from June 3rd,
but departures from and to the US for tourism are still prohibited.
There are few European Airline Companies that are still operating weekly flights from EU airports to JFK -- such as Alitalia and KLM but you must be an American citizen or resident to be allowed to enter the United States territory.
These f
lights are truly meant to facilitate citizens to return to their respective countries if they were forced to stay abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic. For tourism, the American borders are still closed to international flights and there is no future date yet selected to reopen the borders.
At the moment,
citizens from these countries have been
banned from coming into the United States -- the People's Republic of China (excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao), the Islamic Republic of Iran,
the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom (excluding the territories of overseas (outside Europe) and the Republic of Ireland.
Brazil was added yesterday.
Around New York with Irene
Do you want to take a Virtual Tour around Manhattan?
Irene T. - NYC Tour Guide